We all have fears. Fears that are not confronted continue to grow and fester. Often the anxiety and stress caused by holding on to our fear are far greater than the fear of the original circumstances. Courageously confronting our fears will allow us to be proactive and we are able to resolve the issues that are causing our fear. Accumulating one fear on top of another will only lead us to greater anxiety and feelings of powerlessness. Let go of fear and let God.
Fear has dogged me my whole life, I have placed fear and anxiety into my “Drop the Rock” list of defects. Surely fear of this magnitude is a growth stunting defect of character. I am so grateful for A A bless you all.
Awesome Janice !!!!!!
I have 1545 days sober , I was hit by a drunk diver on my motercycle on my way t chair a meeting.l can find closure, flash backs are killing me.
Cod I will pray for u it will get better!!!!!
I needed to read that this morning. Fear of inadequacy some times creeps into my brain.
Years of sobriety but still need reminders that I have to let God handle each situation. 4 th day at a new job. Why be nervous? I was praying for it and it happened. Go with the flow.
I am grateful to feel my feelings. 91 days today. HOW do I let go of my anger and fear?!?
I don’t understand what actions I can take. I’m in the middle of an argument with my husband right now, and I am pausing. When aggravated, we pause. Now what?
We pause when agitated or doubtful AND ask (pray) for the right thought or action. We constantly remind ourselves we are no longer running the show, humbly saying to ourselves many times each day “Thy will be done”. (Big Book, Page 87-88).
The next 3 sentences are Promises when we “pause and pray”.
For me learning to “pause and pray” helps me to let go of what I cannot control, protects me from building resentments, opens the door for my HP to work in my life and most of all helps me to stay physically and emotionally sober. ODAAT!
Awesome Alice !!!!!!
Thank you for your wisdom Alice!! I totally forgot I posted this…am going through another rough patch and this really helped me. Blessings!!!
Pray Sasha find ur peace and u feel better I am 4 years and 9 months and I feel like a million because God is awesome !!!!!
Thank you for your wisdom Alice!! I totally forgot I posted this…am going through another rough patch and this really helped me. Blessings!!!
Sasha, when things feel like they are falling apart they are really falling into place!, pray for understanding and patience.
Thank you Thomas and Tim!!!!
Keep fighting Sasha it will get better I know !!!!!
Today, at 255 days, fear is running my life. For the past week it has been running and ruining my life. I just moved out of my parents house I to my own apartment, am starting school again, and am working on my 4th step. Since being in the apartment, I am having flashbacks of my abusive ex. I don’t feel safe. I have not been able to make it to meetings because I am afraid. My panic attacks are getting worse and because of this allergy I cannot take any medication to help me calm down. I also have the fear of my 5th step. The first one I did, I was excitied for because I heard the stories and shares about how much it helped the women in my life. Unfortunately, my sponsor that I had shared my 5th step with others in the program and used it as a weapon against me. I have been praying for peace and for my mind to stop running. I know that doing this new 5th step with work and help my calm down and bring me some peace – but how does one do the thing they are most afraid of. People that are afraid of flying do not fly and it works. Is there another way to do this step?
Keep praying millissia it will get better pray and find your inner peace !!!!