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November, 2016

  1. Humility in Sobriety 

    November 26, 2016 by Kayce L.

    Now that you are learning that it is safe to admit your powerlessness and unmanageability, do you find it easier just to be human? Being humble doesn’t mean being weak. It means accepting ourselves- our strengths as well as our weaknesses. Humility helps us be less defensive and be at peace at who we are.

  2. Admitting our Wrongs 

    November 25, 2016 by Kayce L.

    We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it

  3. My Journey in Sobriety

    November 9, 2016 by Kayce L.

    No one knows how rewarding life is when you take the journey of sobriety. I grew up in alcoholic/addict single parent home. Only thing I knew was alcoholism and abuse. As I grew up and got a family of my own I knew I wanted different for my family then I had. When my marriage ended I turned to the one thing I knew alcohol and drugs to cover the pain. I made a decision after hitting bottom to take the journey of recovery. I never knew there was a better way. Sobriety has been amazing. My family was reunited and I spend my days and nights meditating and always helping a fellow alcoholic/addict as they start their journey. I have a website that reaches thousands of people fighting the same battle as myself. My past does not define who I am today. I am a mother, a wife, an active person in the community, a friend, also I am a recovering alcoholic/addict with almost 2500 days sober. Extremely grateful and loving my life, family and it’s what I love to do is help and talk to anyone needed help starting the journey of a new way of life. 

    I’d love to hear your journeys