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August 20, 2017 by Kayce L.

We may fear that being in touch with our feelings will trigger an overwhelming chain reaction of pain and panic. We don’t have to fear our feelings. Embrace recovery and surrender to a Higher Power. One day at a time.


  1. Jerry says:

    I find my self living in fear. Fear my job will be moved to china, fear my bathroom remodel job won’t be right, fear that my wifes smoking will cause her early death, fear of my procrastination, fear of what others think of me…..I am 5 years and a month sober. I am beginning to use the word “NO”. I hear LET GO AND LET GOD in meetings. Explain please.

    • Thomas Cromer says:

      Awesome jerry be strong my brother!!!!!!!

    • Jim K says:

      Jerry when we talk about acceptance we have to realize the 3 parts to the serenity prayer , the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference. We came to believe and turned our will and life over to God .made an inventory and figured out our major defects of character. Today I learned too pause and ask God for help .thus , less fear

    • Margaret says:

      Find a big book step study meeting, find a sponsor to take you through the 12 steps as they’re laid out in the big book. This process will help remove what is blocking you from God and the sunlight of the spirit. Learn the fear prayer located on page 68 : “We ask Him to remove our fear and direct our attention to what He would have us be.”
      Then Let Go and Let God.

    • Kelly says:

      Let Go and Let God……For me it means…Do the next right thing, right. And leave results to God

    • Jwalker says:

      Sounds like some Cadillac problems to me. Be grateful for what you have today. Be grateful you have a job, be grateful you have a wife that loves you, be grateful you have a bathroom that you can remodel, anytime for your ego is involved for me gratitude can take it away.

  2. Betty says:

    I hear you. Facing those thoughts or possibilities without a chemical to dampen the fear can be alarming. My sponsor was so valuable with helping understand to just take small bits of life at one time. Leaning into my fear and doing one thing helped. Talking to her also mDe the fear less. It’s about all the powerlessness. Trust is hard to move into but I continue to see my HP’s hand everywhere. God bless and keep on leaning.

  3. Janny says:

    I have struggled with fear my entire life, I believe it goes hand in hand with anxiety. After many years sober my fear and anxiety have lessened. When I go to meetings I know that I am surrounded by people who understand and I feel protected. Fear still comes in waves but I am getting better at letting them pass through me and waiting for the calm on the other side. Thoughts are just thoughts try to ride them out with a big deep breathe and you may feel better on the other side. We aren’t in this crazy row boat alone. Breath relax and go with the flow. Pray pray pray.

  4. Gayle R says:

    Fear is as real as Love. When I sit in my fear, I allow love to come and wash over me. Love and tolerance is our code. I love that. I love that I can agree with the words in the big book that ”we commence to out grow fear.’ I think it is around Step 10. I will look it up & remind myself of that today. Breathe. Ride it out! Yes, to all the above. We are never alone. Peace & Blessings be with us all as we trudge the road of happy destiny!

  5. John A says:


    Fear and faith are proportionate to each other, less faith=more fear and the same in reverse. I have learned though the recovery prowess that no matter what happens? I will be ok, even if it means I lose my life….I,and we, will be ok

  6. Jill says:

    I am living in a constant state of fear. I had 2 years of sobriety and starting drinking again and I can’t seem to stop. I wake up everyday that today will be different, but it isn’t. I need help!!

    • Sheryl says:

      Jill I was catching up on my reading and saw your post. I hope you are doing
      Better. Pray like crazy and get resources you need. You are not alone.

    • Thomas Cromer says:

      Jill I will pray for u god bless u!!!!

    • Karon M says:

      Jill, I love you. I haven’t heard your story but I know my story and we have a common solution. It took me a while to get it but I did 90 in 90, sometimes 180 in 90 or even 270 in 90. My sponsor told me “no matter what…” I didn’t know or trust myself to do the next right thing so I had to listen and learn from someone or something besides myself. So I got a double for my trouble: I got a sponsor and I got AA. Or should I say they got me. Either way, “it just works”

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