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April, 2018

  1. The Steps

    April 10, 2018 by Kayce L.

    Like a loud alarm clock, the First Step brings us to semi-consciousness—although at this point, we may not be sure whether we want to climb out of bed or maybe sleep for just five more minutes. The gentle hand shaking our shoulders as we apply the Second and Third Steps causes us to stand up, stretch, and yawn. We need to wipe the sleep from our eyes to write the Fourth Step and share our Fifth. But as we work the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Steps, we begin noticing a spring in our step and the start of a smile on our lips. Our spirits sing in the shower as we take the Tenth and Eleventh Steps. And then we practice the Twelfth, leaving the house in search of others to awaken.

  2. Step 11

    April 9, 2018 by Kayce L.

    Praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

    Always set aside some quiet time to “talk” with your Higher Power. Pray and ask for that Power’s direction and the ability to act on it. Gratitude is key.