Looking forward keeps us centered in where we are going, not remorseful or regretful about our past. After all, it is hard to move forward if we are looking back.
I myself have always loved this saying, It centers me. And reminds me , One Day at a Time.
One Day at a Time
April 15, 2016 by Kayce L.
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Yes one day at a time I’m on day 1742 sounds like a miracle!!!!!
1764 days here congrats
Good job Felix awesome bro !!!!!!
Thank you
All we have is right now … This moment.. Today.. And today is a great day to be sober!!
Amen girl amen !!!!!
Well I am 4 years and 10 months I feel great ✌️❤️!!!!!!!
A day at a time, one hour at a time and one minute at a time. We do what we need to do to stay sober
Amen to that amen !!!!!!
Day 148, and my spouse doesn’t believe in me yet!
I’m on day 1785 she will I promise hang in there ok !!!!!
1600 days today.
As long as you believe in yourself everything will come to you
Thanks! I do believe in myself!
Amen brother !!!!!!