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Living the Program

March 6, 2015 by Kayce L.

Pain and misery were realities in our drinking and using days. Through living the program we learn that our dreams can replace our nightmares. We grow and change. We acquire the freedom of choice. We are able to give and receive love. We can share honestly about ourselves, no longer magnifying or minimizing the truth. We accept the challenges real life offers us, facing them in a mature, responsible way. We can find the support, care, and concern we need to face those realities in Fellowship and a Higher Power gives us a clean, clear window through which to view, experience, and appreciate reality as it is.


  1. Thomas Cromer says:

    Wanted to share my news I am 3 years and 8 months clean and sober I am so greatful for the aa program.!!!!!!!

  2. Angela says:

    This is a great post. Sobriety is such a blessing! Thank you for keeping up this site and app, I use it a lot!

  3. Ronnie says:

    32 days today

  4. Tom says:

    Leaving the dream. I am sober for 75 days. I want to make amends for an inappropriate reply I posted six weeks ago.

  5. M says:

    day 4….

  6. Dave E says:

    To be sober is to be free, stay free just for today. This journey has allowed me 12,475 days of freedom

  7. Scott says:

    I think I’ve gone through every day of the year as previous sobriety dates.

    • Roger B says:

      My sobriety date is April 1st (April Fools day). I didn’t know It at the time that I was going to stay sober for the next 36 years. Setting a date never worked for me. God must have chosen that day for me!

  8. Chloeb says:

    You can always start your day over at anytime!! Sobriety is awesome just took me awhile to find it

    • Thomas Cromer says:

      Sobreity is awesome I’m 3 years and 8 months it’s gets better each day.!!!!!!

      • Chloeb says:

        That’s awesome Thomas !!! I’m going on two years and it’s such a miracle being sober… Life is awesome today and I’m ok with me for the first time ever really!!

        • Thomas Cromer says:

          That’s awesome Chloeb I’m proud of you. I feel like a million. Thank you for caring . !!!!!!!

  9. Jamieliza says:

    Today is my first day. I’m so scared.

    • Kayce L. says:


    • Thomas Cromer says:

      It will be just fine enjoy your days of recovery ok smile and be happy.!!!!!!!

    • Chloeb says:

      Welcome!! If you don’t take that first drink and take it one day at a time you will see the miracle of this program!!! We are all here to help because we keep each other sober by sharing our experience strength and hope!!!keep coming back!!

    • Bill says:

      I know how scared I was, but you can do it. Just stay sober one day at a time, go to meetings and get a phone list and CALL someone if you feel like drinking! It’s not easy at first, but so worth it. You’re worth it. Good luck my friend.

    • Sheryl says:

      Jameliza hope you are doing good. You have a lot of support here and advice you can trust!

  10. John l says:

    Today I have 2280 days the best 2280 days of my life thanks to God leading me to aa and all the people he fit into my life one day at a time and God bless

  11. Rafael Arboleda says:

    12 days sober as I move into step 6 tonight with my sponsor I learned the importance of the 3rd step prayer say it every morning

  12. Cynthia says:

    98 days! :-))

  13. MaryAnne says:

    1033 twenty-four hours on my 62nd birthday today: 5/3/15
    But you know what? My true birthday is 7/4/15
    With Gods grace, I will be three Years old on that day….
    How marvelous to be a baby again
    Wish me luck everyone, and I will do the same for you:
    One Day At A Time
    God be with you

  14. MICHAEL says:

    With God I am 76 days Sober.
    My addiction was morphine and Valium.
    I have this uneasy feeling of uncertainty, I am trying to take it one day at a time.
    I am in an outpatient treatment program for five more weeks.
    Prayers please to help keep me strong!
    God Bless!
    Thanks for this awesome site.

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