We pocket our pride and go to it, illuminating every twist of character, every dark cranny of the past. Once we have taken this step, withholding nothing, we are delighted. We can look the world in the eye. We can be alone at perfect peace and ease.Pg 75. Into Action
Author Archive
Step 4 & 5
July 12, 2016 by Kayce L.
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True Freedom
July 4, 2016 by Kayce L.
Our first true freedom is the freedom not to not to have to take a drink today. If we truly want it, we will work the 12 steps and the happiness of this freedom will come to us through the steps. Sometimes quickly-sometimes slowly. Other freedoms will follow and inventorying them is a new happiness. We have a new freedom to be the best we can be.
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June 19, 2016 by Kayce L.
The eleventh step ask us to meditate as a route to improving our conscious contact with God. Meditation means opening our mind and our spiritual energy to the God connection. Meditation and Prayer are powerful recovery behaviors that work.
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Unity and Fellowship
June 19, 2016 by Kayce L.
Unity in the FellowshipWe can’t impose our ideas of unity on others or confuse unity with uniformity. In fact, a big attraction of the program is the absence of uniformity. Unity springs from our common purpose, not from standards imposed on the group by a few well-meaning members. A group that has the unity which springs from the loving hearts of its members allows each addict to carry the message in his or her own unique way.
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One day at a time
June 6, 2016 by Kayce L.
Once we learn to leave the past in the past, and live in the now we begin to realize that it’s possible to change. One day at a time. As we begin our 12 steps It helps us build a stronger foundation of growth within our character and what we need to aim at changing today.
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Identifying our Defects of Character
June 4, 2016 by Kayce L.
Many of us have trouble identifying our character defects. If this is the case for us, we can talk with our sponsor or our Fellowship friends. We clearly and honestly describe our behavior to them and ask for their help in identifying our defects. As time passes, we’ll become progressively better able to identify our own character defects. Working on them with the help of others
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Surrendering to alcoholism
June 2, 2016 by Kayce L.
Surrendering to any kind of addiction is a tough job and it takes a huge willingness and desire to come clean and sober. Without the desire and willingness to be sober the chances are slim to none that you will see sobriety in the near future. Although, if you have that desire and you want to live a fresh and sober life then you are going to make it and surrendering to your addiction will be much better to deal with because you have it in your mind and heart that you want to change and live a clean and sober life.
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May 24, 2016 by Kayce L.
An attitude of forgiveness is a little easier to develop when we remember that we are all doing the very best we can. And someday we, too, will need forgiveness.
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A Higher Power
May 20, 2016 by Kayce L.
Many people in addiction recovery need to revise their image of God, or perhaps come up with a Higher Power for the first time in their life. This can be difficult, and it might be useful to know how others see their God or Higher Power.
Now, I wasn’t completely sure what I was looking for In a Higher Power, but I think it would be nice to have a list of characteristics, like:
•On my side •loving •accepting •non-judgmental •infinite, or at least really REALLY BIG •wants me to winMy fellowship of AA was my Higher Power until I was able to come to terms with a God as I understood him.
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Recovery offers Freedom
May 19, 2016 by Kayce L.
Living in the moment offers us freedom. Life is happening in the here and now. The past is gone and the future has yet to arrive; our worrying won’t change any of it. We can enjoy our recovery, this very minute. One day at a time
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