Humility is key in Recovery. Share how humility has played a part in your life. Or maybe reach out on how to gain humility
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May 19, 2016 by Kayce L.
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Step 3
May 2, 2016 by Kayce L.
Made a decision to turn our will an our lives over to the care of God As we understood Him.
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Sharing Honestly
April 23, 2016 by Kayce L.
Attending meetings, hearing fellow addicts/alcoholics share their stories, and discovering that others feel the same way we feel helps with acceptance and honesty. When others share honestly with us who they are, we feel free to do the same. As we learn to tell others the truth about ourselves, we learn to accept ourselves.
Share you story here.Category General | Tags: | 33 Comments
Step 12 Carrying the Message
April 20, 2016 by Kayce L.
Step 12, says that having a spiritual awakening,we try to carry this message to others. Some ask how do we carry the message? It is a message of hope, love and comfort. Inviting someone to go to a meeting is a powerful way to carry the message. Allowing our Higher Power to guide our actions by sharing how recovery has worked in our our lives also is a powerful way to carry the message. The most powerful form of helping others comes down to helping ourselves. We cannot change others, but when we change ourselves, we may end up changing the world.
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One Day at a Time
April 15, 2016 by Kayce L.
Looking forward keeps us centered in where we are going, not remorseful or regretful about our past. After all, it is hard to move forward if we are looking back.
I myself have always loved this saying, It centers me. And reminds me , One Day at a Time.Category General | Tags: | 14 Comments
Spiritual Awakenings
April 3, 2016 by Kayce L.
Though we all work the same steps, each of us experiences the spiritual awakening resulting from them in our own way. The shape that spiritual awakening takes in our lives will vary, depending on who we are.Source basic text from Just For Today.
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March 18, 2016 by Kayce L.
We can experience pain, grief, sadness, anger, frustration—all those feelings we once avoided with alcohol and drugs. We find that we can get through those emotions clean. We won’t die and the world won’t come to an end just because we have uncomfortable feelings. We learn to trust that we can survive what each day brings. With prayer and meditation. One day at a time.
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Confronting Fears
March 13, 2016 by Kayce L.
We all have fears. Fears that are not confronted continue to grow and fester. Often the anxiety and stress caused by holding on to our fear are far greater than the fear of the original circumstances. Courageously confronting our fears will allow us to be proactive and we are able to resolve the issues that are causing our fear. Accumulating one fear on top of another will only lead us to greater anxiety and feelings of powerlessness. Let go of fear and let God.
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Gratitude through Prayer
March 11, 2016 by Kayce L.
Ask God, the first thing each morning to help you stay sober that day; and at the end of that day thank Him for what He has done for you. Never get too busy or otherwise so preoccupied that you forget to show your gratitude to him. Like medicine for the soul taken regularly, in a full glass of honesty and sweetened with a heaping spoonful of humility, IT WILL RESTORE YOU!
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Emotional Disturbance
March 4, 2016 by Kayce L.
Spiritual life is not a theory, you have to live it.If at any time, you discover that you are emotionally disturbed about anything, you can be sure that there is a problem inside you. There is a thought, or an attitude that is causing the disturbance. We can use the 12 Steps to change our thoughts and attitudes and remove the disturbance.
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