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Author Archive

  1. Spiritual Awakening

    December 17, 2015 by Kayce L.

    I myself had been brought up to believe in God, but I know that until I found the AA program, I had never found or known faith in the reality of God, the reality of his power that is now with me in everything I do today. Spiritual awakening shows the personality change among us in many different forms.

  2. Making Amends 

    November 25, 2015 by Kayce L.

    Making Amends can some times be hard. Mostly due to fear.Post some of your Making Amends stories, and/or any fears you may have do so.  

  3. Gods Will

    November 16, 2015 by Kayce L.

    Each day, ask God what God wants us to do today; then ask God to help. A simple request, but so profound and farreaching it can take us anywhere we need to go.All you want, all that we need, all the answers, all the help, all the good, all the love, all the healing, all the wisdom, all the fulfillment of desire is embodied in this simple request. We need say no more than “Thank You”.

  4. Forgiveness

    November 14, 2015 by Kayce L.

    Where there has been wrong, the program teaches us the spirit of forgiveness. Forgiveness is key to a healthy recovery. Most important is forgiveness to ourselves.

  5. Tolerance in Recovery

    November 10, 2015 by Kayce L.

    Tolerance of others can sometimes set us back. The program has taught me to Let Go and Let God. Focus on my recovery and my own attitudes and behaviors. Accepting everyone’s opinion is different helps me over look the ignorance of others.I am so grateful for my sobriety today. One Day at a Time.

  6. Positivity

    November 6, 2015 by Kayce L.


  7. Attitude of Gratitude

    November 4, 2015 by Kayce L.

    “We can also use the steps to improve our attitudes.”Many times in recovery if we are not showing an attitude of gratitude, we are not working the steps of recovery.

    Keep it simple.

  8. Step 2 Prayer

    October 30, 2015 by Kayce L.

    I  pray for an open mind so I may come to believe in a Power greater than myself. I pray for humility and the continued opportunity to increase my faith. I don’t want to be crazy any more. Amen

  9. Daily Imventory 

    October 23, 2015 by Kayce L.

    When we retire at night, we constructively review our day. Were we resentful, selfish, dishonest or afraid? Do we owe an apology? Were we kind and loving towards all? What could we have done better? Were we thinking of ourselves most of the time? Or were we thinking of what we could do for others, of what we could pack into the stream of life? After making our review we ask God’s forgiveness and inquire what corrective measures should be taken. One day at a time.

  10. Personal Responsibility in Recovery 

    October 15, 2015 by Kayce L.

    Responsibility to OurselvesPersonal Responsibility is one of the key concepts to our recovery; it involves taking action and doing what needs to be done to get well and stay well.

    It’s not easy and it can take time. When we take ownership of our life and our future we can gain back control of our lives. Trust in God, clean house, and attend meetings.